今天,youtube寄了好几封email通知我们有关我们的一些video里含有UMG旗下歌手的歌曲,所以被blocked了。其实,这些事真的搞不清楚。也无法避免的。再说,一些出名的歌星如the pussycat dolls,lady gaga,rihanna等的歌曲其实都under UMG,但这些歌手和歌曲,的确有很多很好跳的linedance。有人告诉我,没关系,你们出名了,你们应该感到高兴。嘿嘿,也许对吧。。。其实,这几天我知道有很多人的linedance video都被block了,只是不懂为什么沉寂了一时,又死灰复燃。

this morn, received mails fr youtube inform us that some of our videos that contain audio content that is owned by UMG, have been blocked in certain country. Dun understand why today, but mayb we r famous enuf d lol. haha. Bt temporarily there are still ways to watch the videos, that is thru YIPEE. Anyw, no matter what action they will take, we will still look forward to capture more nice videos in the future. Gambate~
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4 Responses
  1. 珠英 Says:

    老友,惊讶我的到来吧?学新新时代玩博客,我又进步了啦!不错吧?哈哈....... 你的舞被BLOG?很惊呀!前天我才上YOUTUBE看你跳COOTIES呢!

  2. JinLan Diong Says:


  3. 珠英 Says:
